What Experts Are Saying

The Experts (And Internet Celebrities) Have spoken

Don't take our word for it.  Social media is a buzz about Thirty Fathoms Knot Pullers.  Click on a video below to hear what experts have to say bout our knot pullers and how they help to "save their hands". 

Best Seller ~ Best Seller ~
Model A Knot Puller - Thirty Fathoms

Model A Knot Puller$34.95 USD

The original light weight, anti-slip two rod system designed to tie knots easily and save your hands from the pain of spectra.

Best Seller ~ Best Seller ~
Model B Knot Puller - Thirty Fathoms

Model B Knot Puller$42.95 USD

The same hand-saving, light weight, anti-slip, two rod system found in the Model A, but we made an ever-so-important upgrade so you can insert a hook.